The Best 16 Calcium Sources You Need

Nabeel Qaiser
4 min readMay 3, 2021


Calcium is an essential mineral and the fifth most abundant element in the human body calcium is element 20 in the periodic table and located next to sodium magnesium and potassium bones and teeth need calcium and contain over 99% of the calcium in your body calcium is also required for your heart nerves and blood clotting the current recommended dietary allowance for adults is between 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day.

The best food sources for calcium include dairy leafy green vegetables fish with edible bones and calcium fortified foods the percent of calcium for a 2,000 calorie diet is listed on the Nutrition Facts label for calcium rich foods.

16 high calcium foods include:

16. Sunflower seeds one ounce of dried seeds provides about 20 milligrams of calcium.

15. About three and a half ounces of fresh figs provides 35 milligrams of calcium.

14. One-half cup of cooked okra popular in South Eastern cuisine has about 60 milligrams of calcium.

13. White beans that can be used in hundreds of different recipes provides about 65 milligrams of calcium per 1/2 cup cooked serving.

12. One ounce of roasted almonds has about 75 milligrams calcium

11. One half cup of cooked mustard greens provides about 80 milligrams and far less calories than seeds and nuts.

10. Another low-calorie source is cooked kale providing about 90milligrams of calcium per 1/2 cup serving.

9. A ½ cup serving of cooked black-eyed also known as cow peas provides about 105 milligrams of calcium.

8. You also get about 100 milligrams of calcium from five and a half ounces of cooked rainbow trout.

7. Cooked spinach has about 120 milligrams of calcium per ½ cup cooked serving.

6. 2 ounces of firm tofu to fused in many Asian dishes and vegan recipes has about 150 milligrams of calcium.

5. One ounce of dried chia seeds has about 180 milligrams of calcium equivalent to about 80 milligrams per table spoon.

4. 6 ounces of yogurt made from cows milk has about 205 milligrams of calcium.

3. One ounce of Swiss cheese provides about 250 milligrams other popular cheeses provide between 145 to 335 milligrams of calcium. Hard cheeses like Romano and Parmesan have higher calcium levels than soft cheese 1/2 ounce of Romano or Parmesan cheese provides more calcium than one ounce of mozzarella cheese.

2. Cheese is made from milk and 1 cup of cow’s milk unfortified has about 300 milligrams of calcium.

1. The top spot goes to sardines with bones a 3 ounce serving has about 325 milligrams sardines without bones would tie for number 14 at 60 milligrams of calcium.

For all you carnivores who limit or omit dairy leafy greens and seafood from your diet you should take a calcium supplement because your diet may not provide enough calcium.

Final Thoughts

The best sources of dietary calcium includes dairy fruits, vegetables especially leafy greens, nut-sand seeds, fish eaten with bones is another source of dietary calcium most of the calcium is in the bones. The current RDA is 1000 to 1200 milligrams talk to your doctor about calcium supplements if you do not eat a calcium rich diet to absorb calcium you must get enough vitamin D as vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption.

Happy Reading and Healthy Eating!!

Image Credits:

Photo by Alexy Almond from Pexels, Photo by Lisa from Pexels,Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels, Photo by Lara from Pexels

